there's a defining moment in everyone's life...or two...or three that impact the soul/spirit. should one completely be engulfed, it could better or worsen individual situations. scary, right? but isn't this what builds character? i adore choices, but what about events that are out of my control? those pesky little scenes out of know where you scream & cry & ask "what have i done to piss off my maker?" now, it is said "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade." really? no way...when life hands me lemons, i do shots! that seems more realistic, don't you think?! give me a straightening iron & a couple of beers to deal with these situations, and i just may cope.
so what about karma? (let's ask
i truly live by the ideology of karma, but not for the next life. my main concern is today, tomorrow, 6 months from now! the old rule of 3, which is another interpretation. what you choose to do will come back 3 fold...good or bad. basically, do unto others...the golden, funny how all these spiritual wisdoms intertwine. i try to use my super hero powers for good, but i also touch the stove knowing it's hot.1.2.Theosophy . the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.3.fate; destiny.4.the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someoneor something.
so where does this leave me? i chalk everything up to experiences, life lessons, what have you. i have played with fire...flirted with disaster...treated folks the way that i would want to be treated. sometimes i've been burned no matter what i did. however, the result has always been recognizing the joys right in front of me a little bit more. the ultimate prizes along this journey. sure the universe pees in my cornflakes from time to time. it keeps me on my toes. even shows me another experiences. & isn't this essentially the big picture?