who has two thumbs & some good to honest truths to share? this girl…right here. some are embarrassing, others just random facts. can you relate? shake your head? or just laugh? all the above would make this chick happy. indulge me…hey, it’s not political & it’s totally from the heart (hooray)!
without any more silly introduction, i’m that girl who…
adores her coffee
sometimes forgets to wash her face before bed & wakes up looking like alice cooper
has terrible morning breath
hates to pump gas
wears her heart on her sleeve
is attracted to all things shiny
always shows up if she says she will
will choose savory over sweet almost 90% of the time
suffers through killer shoes if they’re super rad
has a bazillion “next” tattoos in mind
would give someone the shirt off of her back, if need be
is definitely dramatic, but avoids drama (make sense?)
is more patient with others than with herself
would rather wait on someone as opposed to them having to wait on her
dreams of being wonder womanis surprised when folks who know her don’t really know her
would live on a farm, raise animals, & make homemade everything; if she could
doesn’t keep up with the joneses; the grass may be greener, but that water bill is probably a bitch
feels the free-est when she’s singing, dancing, or laughing
believes that life is just too dang short
carries a mint, a band-aid, & an extra koozie in her purse just in case
tries to remember to be kind because you never know what someone else is going through
prefers to be over dressed than under dressed
doesn’t go anywhere without her burt’s bees
is always up for an adventure
loves eating “breakfast” for dinner
has been inspired by many a book, poem, or quote
believes in love at first sight
doesn’t mind getting dirty
plucks her eyelashes when she’s stressed
enjoys driving & isn’t a zip code friend…”if you call her…she will come”
thinks handmade whatevers are the best
will admit when she’s wrong & fight for what’s right
has a journal stashed in random places
vies for girly-ness everywhere
appreciates the little things
cleans & launders her house before a vacation
is always overwhelmed with the rocky & wonderful experiences that she has encountered & is yet to do so
welcomes all, anytime
still believes in love…always
thinks music saves souls
(with all that we know) still hopes for world peace…it comes to mind. one day?