or a big one or a scary one, but do you remember them? i do, i do! i'm not exactly sure if this is a blessing or a curse. (not to sound like peter parker) but, this fact about moi doesn't make money or clean my house. it just is. i would never wish them away. i've been dreaming vividly since i was a little girl. & i almost always remember them. some as soon as i wake up, & others come to me as the day wears on like deja vu. they range from silly to serious to frightening. however, there's only been 1 or 2 that have woken me up; shaken, in tears, or both. for whatever reason, these have occurred more than once...same scenarios, same weirdness.
i absolutely, positively have no freaking clue what they mean! researching now for several years (seriously) just out of curiosity; books, online dream dictionaries, but nada info for some reason. apparently, i dream about things that i cannot find remotely similar words that might describe them. or i will dream about teeth, but not falling out or crumbling, like most reads have suggested as a sign of vanity. i just remember teeth in there somewhere...they weren't the focus!! sooo, does it mean the same thing?
the closest i've come to understanding a hand full is simply using common sense. i understand that under stress or anxiety, i will compartmentalize certain things. this usually results in an explosion of 2 weeks worth of work, home, a conversation had, & a movie star seen in an interview all rolled into one shot!
& then there are the, dare i say prophetic & some times ominous dreams. events that take place post dream. babies not born yet down to the detail such as eyes, nose, hair. dreams about people i haven't seen or thought of in years & then running into them or their name brought up in conversation a week later. a proposal or breakup. an accident or illness. these are the dreams that freak me out! & if they're not about me, then who? i'm very careful to share these dreams, or omit details to avoid being dealt the "liar, liar, pants on fire" card. i mean how the hell do you explain it? i sure can't. & what was up with the lady on my roof riding the stationary bike in last night's episode? (she was new)
if anyone out there is fluent in dreams, please let me know. are they just manifestations of my crazy mind? why do certain situations trigger memories of them? am i just not getting enough sleep? is there some kind of way to control them or use the puzzle pieces to solve problems?
you're wondering if you should call the men in the white coats right now, aren't you?
I dream all the time, too and most often I will remember at least parts of them. A few years ago in my first or second semester of grad school in a theories of counseling class my professor started to talk about dreams. The night before I'd had one that had left me quite disturbed so she asked if I was willing to work it through with the class with one of her theories. We spent more than an hour working out my dream and going through various theories of what different things mean. It was fascinating and left me looking differently at my dreams ever since. She believed that all the people we encounter in our dreams are pieces of ourselves and that we are acting out various conflict in the actions. Hmmm...
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