Tuesday, April 5, 2011

best lines, part 3...the commercials...

Jingle me this, Batman...why is it I can never remember important information, but a tagline of advertising is ready to roll off the tongue on cue?!  Whether you recall a little or a lot, you're sure to have these catchy slogans & jingles on the brain all day long!  You're welcome!

“Clap on, clap off…The Clapper!”  The Clapper

“Mom... do you ever feel... you know... not so fresh?”  Massengill Douche

“Carnation instant breakfaaast. You’re gonna love it in an instant!”  Carnation Instant Breakfast

“Mmm Mmm Good”  Campbell’s Soup

“Where’s the beef?”  Wendy’s

“He likes it! Hey, Mikey!”  LIFE cereal

“My buddy and meee!”   My Buddy

“My bologna has a first name, it’s O-S-C-A-R! My bologna has a second name, it’s M-A-Y-E-R!”  Oscar Mayer Bologna

“I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.”   COKE

“Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?”…”But of course.”   Grey Poupon

“Plop, plop. Fizz, fizz. Oh, what a relief it is.”  Alka Seltzer

“I am stuck on Band Aid brand cos band aid’s stuck on me.”   Band Aids

“If you got the time, we got the beer.”  Miller Beer

“HEY, Kool-Aid!”  Kool-Aid

“5…5 dollar…5 dollar footlong.”   Subway

“Hey Man, is that freedom rock?”…” Yeah man!”…” Well, turn it up, man!”  Freedom Rock Compilation

“Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame-seed bun.”  McDonald’s

“Reach out, reach out and touch someone.”  AT&T

“HO, HO, HO Green Giant!”   Green Giant

“You’re not fully clean unless you’re Zest-fully clean!”   ZEST

“Silly Rabbit…TRIX are for kids.”   TRIX cereal

“Trojan MAN!!”  Trojan Condoms

“Bryl-creem, a little dab'll do ya,”  Brylcreem

“Sometimes you feel like a nut…sometimes you don’t.”   Almond Joy/Mounds

“Follow my nose! It always knows!”  Fruit Loops

“There’s always room for J-E-L-L-O”  JELL-O

“You are the sunshine of my life…Minute Maid.”  Minute Maid Orange Juice

“I’m gonna wash that gray right out of my hair.”   Clairol Loving Care

“Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow…”  Meow Mix

“Finger-lickin good”  Kentucky Fried Chicken

“Juicy Fruit is gonna move ya."  Juicy Fruit Gum

“I want my baby back, baby back, baby back…Chili’s baby back ribs.”  Chili’s

“The best part of waking up is Folger’s in your cup.”  Folger’s Coffee

“O-R-E-O”  Oreo Cookies

“You got your peanut butter in my chocolate!”…”You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!”  Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

“Fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life! Mentos, the freshmaker!”  Mentos

“I’m a Pepper. He’s a Pepper. She’s a Pepper. We’re a Pepper. Wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper too?”  Dr. Pepper

“Time to make the donuts.”  Dunkin Donuts

 "Wanna Fanta, don’t you wanna?”   Fanta

“PIZZA, PIZZA!”  Little Caeser’s Pizza

“Double your pleasure. Double your fun.”   Wrigley’s Doublemint Gum

“Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Weiner.”  Oscar Mayer Weiners

“Gimme a break. Gimme a break. Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar.”  Kit Kat candy bar

“It’s not easy being cheesy.”  Cheetos

“Whatever it is I think I see becomes a Tootsie Roll to me.”  Tootsie Rolls

“You’re soaking in it.”  Palmolive

“The quicker picker upper.”  Bounty paper towels

So, Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?”  Tootsie Pop


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