be it a president, a poet, a comedian, or a romantic…i love quotes! i do! there are times when the words from someone (usually dead) speaks volumes to me; like “hey, i feel that exact same way” or “dang, that is my day to a tee.” will i ever be quoted? who’s to say…hopefully for something poignant or funny; i can live with funny. some of these may be new to you or your very favorite. regardless…enjoy! (might just hit the spot)
“and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~anais nin
“be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” ~dr seuss
“i'll try anything once, twice if i like it, three times to make sure.” mae west
“goodness is the only investment that never fails.” ~henry david thoreau
“hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity.” ~coco chanel
“listen to the mustn'ts, child. listen to the don'ts. listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. listen to the never haves, then listen close to me...anything can happen, child. anything can be.” ~shel silverstein
“if you can't make it better, you can laugh at it.” ~erma bombeck
“reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” ~john lennon
“chaos is the score upon which reality is written.” ~henry miller
“if you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.” ~oscar wilde
“women complain about PMS, but i think of it as the only time of the month when i can be myself.” ~roseanne barr
“great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” ~albert einstein
“how important it is for us to recognize & celebrate our heroes & she-roes!” ~maya angelou
“for most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” ~virginia woolf
“i’m nobody! who are you? are you a nobody, too? then there’s a pair of us-don’t tell! they’d banish us, you know.” ~emily dickinson
“if you don't like how things are, change it! you're not a tree.” ~jim rohn
“i love you & because i love you, i would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth, than adore me for telling you lies.” ~pietro aretino
“forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” ~john f kennedy
“i sweat real sweat & i shake real shakes.” ~elizabeth taylor
“because nobody goes through life without a scar.” ~carol burnett
“the world is mud-luscious & puddle-wonderful.” ~e e cummings
“i still live, i still think: i still have to live, for i still have to think.” ~friedrich nietzsche
“i'm not going to limit myself just because people won't accept the fact that i can do something else.” ~dolly parton
“there is nothing to writing. all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~ernest hemingway
“intense love does not measure, it just gives.” ~mother teresa
“we should all start to live before we get too old. fear is stupid. so are regrets.” ~marilyn monroe
“when you go in for a job interview, i think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges.” ~jack handy
“my goal is to always come from a place of love...but sometimes you just have to break it down for a motherf*cker.” ~rupaul
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