1. stare blankly at guidelines, pretest info, & notes that you’ve been taking (over the last 10 weeks) as if you’ve never seen them before.
2. panic a little…or a lot. preferably a lot.
3. tell everyone that you come in contact with; at least 72 hours prior to said exam, that you in fact, have an exam. (if this statement is followed with words of encouragement, continue to step 4)
4. explain to friends & family that they don’t understand…you have a really hard exam approaching…like, hard!
5. begin the studying process with books, notes, pens, & hi-liters spread out around you. don’t forget to breathe. (also, heart palpitations are normal...pretty sure)
6. think back to the last time that you had to study for an exam. feel old for a minute. carry on.
7. feel confident about the material that you’re reviewing. (oh, yeah…totally seen this stuff before)
8. get stumped on 1 or 2 or several things. say “i quit!” to yourself a few times. after the doubt marinates for a while, get back to work.
9. snack on everything that you can get your hands on because you are far too stressed to eat eat!
10. decide that you may never go back to school ever again. realize that you still have to pay the tuition either way. make some flash cards.
11. repeat definitions, techniques, & steps while away from study material. & use your hands…that way, not only will people think that you talk to yourself, but from a distance, may also be a mime.
12. take plenty of headache, acid reflux, & nausea medication to aid in the studying process.
13. feel inadequate for the bazillionth time & know positively that you will have to follow exam with a makeup exam.
14. start to finally understand & become knowledgeable on subject matter without constantly double checking books & notes. Chant cocky sayings, such as “i got this all mutha trucking day, beotch!”
15. as time draws closer to testing time, start to lose bits & pieces of things that you’ve crammed your brain with. repeat step 2.
16. begin to accept whatever may happen.
17. remember to breathe again & to grab some more nausea meds.
18. pray your hands will stop shaking (for goodness sakes!) keeping in mind that “calm” is NOT your middle name.
19. one last quick review in the ole noggin &…
20. go for it…there’s no turning back now!
Truth! Heheh
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