no, this isn’t going to be deep & philosophical where i attempt to answer the age old question. i will only share what i do know for sure (as i continue to do my happy dance)...
first, i had this. yesterday was just a normal sunday morning. i got up, filled my mug with the first round of coffee, slipped into my jeans & “chicken boots,” & headed out with my little bowl of fresh chopped veggies to feed “the girls.”
after distributing the morning diet (including meal worms…their fave), i went to grab the water thingy when something unusual caught my eye. is that an? oh…my…gawd! underneath the ramp to the hen house sat a teeny little brown egg.
not too soon after the first, i spotted 2 more; this time white eggs, & inside the hen house. i text the hubs from the yard (because he was inside & my phone was naturally handy…naturally.)
as the day progressed the hubs found one…& then another. it was like a freaking easter egg hunt! by late afternoon a total of 7 eggs was our daily score. two of the earliest discoveries had cracks, but surprisingly very strong shells as i opened them up to see what was inside. i wanted to investigate the shell & the actual yolk to see if everything looked okay & to also make sure that i had been a good “momma.” with what i had remembered from studying chicken rearing books & a quick googling of images of healthy yolks, everything seemed okay; which could only mean one thing. we got eggs, folks! hooray! had a double yolk! craziness! |
this morning i couldn’t wait to feed the girls wondering if more surprises were in store. yep, 3 more waiting to be collected. as i removed them from the back of the hen house & closed the door behind me, i felt a little bit like a thief. i casually waved to tammie as she stared me down (with eggs hidden behind my back). isn’t that silly? but i didn’t want to hurt any chicken feelings…they may not realize that there aren’t any babies inside. this is my thought process anyways (you can laugh at me if you want. i am)
i wonder what tomorrow will bring or the next day or the next weeks. i need to start a list of friends who like eggs, just to be on the safe side. or heck, i may just end up at a local farmer's market...hmm, it could happen. in the meantime, i can't stop grinning from excitement. my girls are so grown...*sigh!*
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