Friday, September 28, 2012

why is it that...

if my hair & makeup cooperate at the same time, there are no photo opps, or even people around. but if on a random tuesday (looking heinous), i’m at the freaking walmart, then i’ll see you…& you…oh, & you (what’s it been? 20 years now…fabulous!)?
i torture myself with the food network in the wee hours of the morning when i can’t sleep?

my heart beats all crazy & i have the urge to vomit every day before school, but once i’m there, things are fine? (does this ever go away?)
the housekeeping isn’t any better around my house. easily distacted? (yes.) but, if someone were to call & say that they’d be here in half an hour…my hieny would be in gear & this place would be spotless?

some people still use religion as a platform to be hateful, harmful, & hurtful?
i can’t tell a lie…or, well? i suck at it. it is both a blessing & a curse (not exactly my first choice for a superhero power)

at bedtime, the sink is clean, but in the morning, it’s full of dishes?
i’ve never learned how to play the harmonica?

i take my own bags to the grocery store, only to have them filled halfway & 20 bazillion plastic bags make their way into my cart? (with one or two items per bag, mind you. i’ve stood there before, rebagged my shiz & sweetly handed the bags back to them…yes, i did.)
i constantly fuss at the dog for barking relentlessly at everything (air, squirrels, poor kids walking down the street), but worry when he’s too quiet for an extended amount of time?

‘the real housewives of’ whatever totally captivate me? & of course, anything on bravo (super dork moment) except miami…not a fan of that cast for some reason.
we finally have maternity coverage again on our health insurance plan & the monkey is almost 8 & i am almost…well, that doesn’t matter…(aye!)?

all i really wanna do these days is find the time (quiet, that is) to curl up with a juicy new book? (i took for granted all those times i could & did in the past…i miss it.)
i am so tough on myself; to be the best mother, wife, student; a skinny person? at the end of the day, who’s really taking score but me anyways?

harvesting fall vegetables are my newest goal? nothing really grows in my backyard, but i am hell bent for some reason.
my surroundings are starting to show signs of skeletons, skulls, & “poison?” oh yea, halloween…which is the best. (maybe i’ll just keep some of these fun things up year round.)

during the day, i can go hours without eating, but late at night i crave yums that i shouldn’t indulge in?
certain shows or pictures or advertisements remind me how much i miss my antiques shoppe?

a song can take you right back to a particular place in time?
i want to write a million things down when i should be going to bed?

it makes it easier to get through a nerve-racking ordeal when you know someone, personally, that has gotten through the same (or equal to) & seemed to somehow survive & move on?
i haven’t jumped out of a plane yet? definite bucket list material.

when my hair was straight, i longed for some waves & now that it’s wavy, i wish it were straight?
there hasn’t been a decent scary movie to come out in forever? (i need some like, old school, scared to use the bathroom by yourself kind of horror. does that exist anymore?)

ghosts have never scared me? maybe because i’ve seen them…my mom has seen them. i’ve never felt anything but a little sad.

good guys finish last &/or die young? i never have figured that one out.

i don’t have a tiara? i think i need one.

everyone likes to hear the words “you’re my first” until it’s followed by the word “haircut?”








Jenny said...

Fabulous questions, Bruise! And I'm with you on so many of them!

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