*disclaimer: i wouldn’t dare try
to impose my personal opinions on anyone or attempt to sway them to follow “my
way” or arrogantly boast my beliefs. but, you see, that’s the beauty of where i
live…freedom of speech & expression, right?!*
"history will repeat itself,
for it is the doom of man that he forgets" (churchill?) this was often
quoted by my middle school history teacher (er, coach), 20 some odd years ago,
& i'm not sure why i always remembered this, but it's very true. if only to
have witnessed it in my lifetime alone, even though it profoundly precedes my
generation. (scary, huh?!) but, it got me thinking, & maybe that's one of
the reasons why i took an interest in history, politics, government. (& all
things; victories & missteps alike, that foreshadow the future of our
i've never much considered any political stance based on a straight ticket party. i've always found a common bond with the person that was campaigning for the job (i know, how weird am i?) how will this candidate affect my life; my surroundings, my needs? the very first election that i was able to vote, oh my goodness, was super exciting. i was well read on the issues & ready to consummate my adulthood; my citizenship. my opinion counts, dammit...i still believe this. every vote counts!
it was the clinton era! (roll
your eyes if you must, but i, to this day, revere this man & find him
genius.) the years would follow & even more, i would become engaged in what
was manifesting around me. my one would become two, & then a little one
would enter the picture. what's the most socially, environmentally,
economically, & educationally sound choice for our family? who cares about
us? these are the things i would concentrate on. granted, you have to break a couple
of eggheads to make an omelette (is that how it goes?) i still continued to
make it on election day with baby monkey in tow. & although i adore the
hubs & we are almost always on the same page, i would feel (& he
agrees) lost as a citizen & an american (as dreadfully cheesy as that
sounds) if i solely relied on his npr loving-msn reading-"man of the
house" point of view. our household doesn't work that way. i am fortunate
to know & love a man who respects me as an equal. albeit, goofball, i am
actually a lot smarter than folks give me credit or even realize. & now, as
i grow even older, i choose to act for those who are no longer here on this
earth, but would be glad that i spoke for them...hmm, these are the thoughts
that motivate my voice.i've never much considered any political stance based on a straight ticket party. i've always found a common bond with the person that was campaigning for the job (i know, how weird am i?) how will this candidate affect my life; my surroundings, my needs? the very first election that i was able to vote, oh my goodness, was super exciting. i was well read on the issues & ready to consummate my adulthood; my citizenship. my opinion counts, dammit...i still believe this. every vote counts!
now, i won't say who i am voting for, but i will give you a hint. i've decided to vote for the candidate who DOES NOT dismiss...women; with thoughts, expression, & intellect, animals, big bird, tree huggers, tree planters, love, "gays", the homeless, the poor (semi, demi, paycheck to paycheck, robbers of peter to pay paul), middle class (is that not essentially the majority? just saying) mimes, wounded (mentally & physically) soldiers, minorities, the elderly, peace makers, liberal arts, immigrants (who built this country, no?), shared opportunities for every person, health care, the thought of life in the 21st century, hope, perseverance, separation of church & state, religious freedom. (okay, so i may have gotten carried away...he may actually be freaked out a bit by mimes.) but, yea, that guy!
i genuinely still think choosing the best person is important versus labeling oneself to a particular party. am i still left of center...yes. but does the world & social issues & needs change? most definitely. for example, my grandfather was a die hard democrat until the day he died...straight ticket all the way. of course, he came from a time when basically, democrats were "republicans" & republicans were...wait for it..."democrats!" but, really, who was gonna argue with a man who survived ww2? (or, not to discredit, was raised in a slavery loving rural south who hosted dixie/democrats at the local baptist church?) see, the times are constantly changing.
& no matter who you vote for, please vote. it counts. read, pay attention, find out exactly what suits your situation now & 10-20 years from now (because one single person cannot totally fix a decade of work that waits for them before even entering office) don't be intimidated & don't feel like you can't make a difference! see you at the polls, folks!!
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