nope. it's not christmas. and a chocolate wielding bunny hopped through our lives yesterday, but i'm not talking about easter either. what is being referred to here is the awesomeness of the annual doctor exam!! woo, baby! fortunately, i have a loverly doc, but still, the yearly physical is never fun times.
it all begins with paperwork. i fill out the same freaking pages every time. i think this is why my patient folder is so hefty. (8 years worth.)
after sitting in the waiting did we pass the time before smartphones? oh yeah, magazines. i am called back. deep breath...let the probing begin. first stop, the heinous scale. oh, great, gotta love those things. oh, well, bring it. what do i have to lose? holy crap! more than i thought...eek! for sanity's sake i'm gonna blame at least 2-3 pounds on these guys:
yep, definitely a tad lighter without these...going with that anyways! |
DR: everything going okay?
ME: yep...ship shape!
DR: that's nice to hear. hey, when's the last time we checked your cholesterol?
ME: um, i dunno. that involves a needle & blood tho right?!
DR: (grins) it does...
ME: do i get a pass since i'm a veggie?
DR: well, it'll certainly are your genes?
ME: comfortably a 10, but i can usually squeeze into an 8!
DR: (shakes head) we'll check just to check.
ME: (throw up in mouth a little) FAN-tastic!
now to the nitty-gritty. an indecent proposal, if you will. i love how there are always fun little socks on the foot rest thingys. today was no exception...pastel flowers & shapes adorned with fuzzy balls decorated as rabbits. oh, & on the ceiling there's usually a cutesy poster of a kitty that reads "hang in there," or something of the sort. i didn't even notice anything today, however. too busy nervously running my yapper; in hopes of blurring the compromising position i was in.
one more stop by the lab (i was hoping she'd forget!) & i was done. for another year at least. & guess what i get to do next time? mammogram! jealous? hey, that's where you lay your boob on a cold cement floor & the doc slowly backs over it with her car, right?! just joking, but i hear that many moons ago, i wouldn't have been too terribly far off. thank goodness for technology!
you make the most uncomfortable situations hilarious, can I keep you?
absolutely :)
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