if you guys remember, i had made “resolutions” over the summer. (’resolutions in july’…july 27, 2011) & although i’m happy to report that i’ve accomplished most of them, it seems others remain untouched. (best intentions though...always) & there are even new ones to explore…
for those not familiar with this previous post, the highlights were as follows:
1. buy all new undergarments…pretty much check (still hunting that “perfect” strapless bra…does it even exist?)
2. handwritten correspondence…unfortunately, nope.
3. hug more…yep!
4. learn to play sonic…ugh, i still really stink at those games, except perhaps the racing variety.
5. organize, organize, organize…on track & making things happen!!
6. treat myself once a month…*sigh
7. document through photos…as often as i can. hooray!
8. practice my french…hahahaha. mon dieu!
9. end each day on a positive note…most important & yes, i rarely forget to practice this, but could do better!
the thing with “resolutions” is that people make them every new year. which i get it…a new year=fresh start, but why can’t we change or alter or set achievable goals any time of the year? like, i am not about to say weight loss is my focus. i am doing the opposite, & for once, i am NOT going to harp on that at all. i haven’t the time. granted, i can work on eating better, moving more (i did learn how to ride a bike…stop laughing! lots of 35 year olds are new to this activity…wait, what’s that?), but i am not going to consume myself with body image. it will drive me nuts if i do! seriously, i won’t be a prisoner in this body any longer, dammit…can i get an ‘amen!’
okay, back to the above. i am still dying to put my fun stationary to use. i have some lovely friends that i can’t see very often who deserve a love note, if you will. i am still not treating myself (in a retail therapy sense), but i am excited about starting back to school, which i feel is the ultimate indulgence for me. i do want to speak french fluently again! i have revisited poetry, prose, music, & movies, but have yet to grab those audio cds…it’s on my radar. also, i think american sign language would be pretty rad to add to that (i don’t know, maybe monkey will want to learn with me…it could happen.)
i also need to annoy the shit out of my friends (& myself) until i actually see them & spend time. the best laid plans always fall through…i message or text & then a month has flown by. which, it is a two way street…i always think about it at the most inopportune times. (life at its finest, right?!) maybe i will get that ball rolling again. like, soon-ish! (i need some lady-friend time desperately!)
no ginormous sights on places to visit or adventures to uncover. not scheduled, anyways (there are definitely a freaking ton of things i’d love to experience.) i just want to be more spontaneous in that regard. & when opportunities arise, go for it! (& not be terrified of something that isn’t necessarily on the calendar…do you know what i’m talking about? parents? besides, how the heck do you do it with more than one child? i am lame...my one child equals not enough hours in the day!!) time management…i need a refresher course in that. unless anyone wants to donate their unused time...
so, i know that this doesn’t really seem like much, but they are attainable & i’m not kidding myself with ridiculous stuff that sounds good, but i know will not happen!
did anyone out there make any resolutions? simple or simply life changing? you can do it…i have faith in you! mine are probably ‘meh,’ but they’re mine & i can own them. taking everything as it comes…my new ‘tude. soo…good news for you, miscellane-folk, as i am most positive that there will be pah-lenty of randoms to come! excited yet? me too! *wink
Yeah, Ashley, I stopped making resolutions a long time ago. But as for the bra thing, come on, we have had men on the moon and we can't have a well-fitting bra!!! That's just not right. Good luck with school. I know you'll do just fine.
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