i have…a random fruit snack wrapper under the couch…various faint stains in the carpet (every color juice has been represented at least once)…a sock turned inside-out on the floor. the rug stays crumpled or rolled (straightened every night). my pillows are always smushed or balled up (perpetually fluffing). we have to clean sweep the floors nightly before the dog comes in…he’s a chewer. if the 3ds isn’t plugged in before bed, i get a super sad face come morning. rubbermaid containers house legos, bakugans, crayons, etc. & are located throughout these stomping grounds. drawings of mario & sonic the hedgehog line the dinner table & rug. i trip over tennis shoes on the daily. i get my booty kicked at everything from the memory game to video games…even when i’m trying like really hard. the sink is always full of tiny cups to be cleaned…always. i am constantly saying “stop running!” i’m more than resourceful at finding new, fun, & disguising ways at food creation when it comes to a picky little eater. my down time starts after 9pm (give…or give 30 minutes) each night.
but none of that stuff matters when a little monkey is so super sick with a tummy bug that you want to cry. last night, i wasn’t concerned with a house that screamed “a 7 year old lives here!”
my favorite sidekick was throwing up (most awful thing ever) like every hour from 9ish to 1:30am…enter sad face. the absolute worst thing as a momma (or dad; because the hubs & i kept tagging each other in) is when your child is sick! luckily, it’s not often…very few & far between (where the heck is some wood for knocking?), but i feel completely helpless when that crappy time has arrived. you are stuck watching, nurturing, & waiting, when all you want to do is just take it all away.
the hubs finally told me to go to bed at 2…they camped out on the couches (equipped with a “vomit bowl” & towels…yes, it was that bad!) & i had our bed all to myself. i felt guilty, but i had to be at work at 8:15 this morning, so that was a most kind gesture from that big ole lug!
i managed to make it 5 hours at work…i wasn’t feeling too terribly hot myself & was all “oh crap!” (im a stomach virus magnet, folks…for real! but did not endure the yucky throw up-ness…still waiting on that wood!)
after “chillaxin” (as monkey says) throughout the rest of the afternoon, i could tell he was much better, just exhausted. it was especially clear when he put his little foot in my face & said “here, smell my foot!” then proceeded to laugh for 5 minutes…what a little crazy man i have! & whew, what a relief!
so, yea…at the end of the day i could care less about spills & toys & papers everywhere. (although milk spills ain’t no joke, get those up pronto! super smelly after they dry…you’re welcome!) as long as i have a healthy & happy home, i am as content as can be! (i had lost sight of that for a sec...makes everyday silly dramas seem sincerely obselete) having a sick monkey is not cool…i prefer mine to be wild & laughing all the time…even if i am constantly saying “stop running!”
ps…think i’m going to have to feature all that beautiful artwork (or some…there’s a lot) in the next blog! with permission from the artist, of course.
Amber had pneumonia when she was in her early teens. She had it for about 2 weeks. We had the throw up bucket always nearby. It was horrible. My middle son had croup when he was a baby. Not a good time at all when your babies are sick, no matter what the age. As far as the messy house, forget that. The one thing my kids remember about the growing up years is that I played with them. We colored, played board games, watched tv and had movie marathons and ate popcorn. That's more important than if the floors are swept and dirty clothes starts to pile up. My parents and in-laws were not happy about the state of my house but I didn't care what they thought. My kids were more important!
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