Friday, February 17, 2012

"i'm afraid of americans"...

i want to live in a just world. i want to raise my child in a safe, cultured place where people aren’t sickened, threatened, or hateful of others with different backgrounds, languages, or religious beliefs. i would love to see “public service” workers make eye contact with a tattooed &/or pierced, un-khaki’d dressed public; not following them, snickering, or armed with criminal accusations. i would like to think that if a pedestrian  is hurt or bleeding in the street that someone would stop & give aid; not caring what color, age, or sex they were or what “unfortunate” area of town they were traveling. i shouldn’t feel like i can’t support my friends openly (i do anyhow, dammit!); male/female, gay/straight/bi/transgender, white/black/indian/hispanic, christian/jewish/hindu/atheist/agnostic/etc, meat eater/non, ditch digger/phd! i’ve always known these things. i’ve always felt this way. i have never, in my whole life, felt so freaking irate (with the urge to scream) about the complete bs to human appreciation, stability, clout, & worth, in general, as i do right this second!

now, i am not a super savvy political mind. but, i do my homework, people! anymore; this day & age, you absolutely have to pay attention to what is going on. do you want others to tell you (what they think) is right or wrong with your family…how to fix it? i don’t. i mean, it sucks…it’s scary, but we are all entitled to a say, & it’s best to be affective; you have to be up to par on the topics that are going to rock our own backyards, if we allow our legislature to DICTATE our nation’s well-being! seriously.

rants: (in no particular order…i am so shaking mad right now…it’s all coming out!)
1.  mr. whomever (you think) you are…i would appreciate very much if you would stop putting your laws on my body. i’m pretty sure we dealt with “the pill” back when loretta lynn had already made her stay known in country music (1975) “this incubator is overused because you`ve kept it filled. the feeling good comes easy now since i`ve got the pill” creating both controversy & praise from country area physicians, who acknowledged help for reaching the masses of rural woman who “weren’t reached by medical advice & written literature.” so, are we there? 1975 again? or worse…way back yonder? i suddenly have like ‘little house on the prairie’ images (love you ms wilder), where it was absurd to even suggest contraception of any kind? saloon girls & painted ladies when the little wife was in the “family way?” you know, women are criticized by having multiple children, unless they are white, christian women who, then usually homeschool. (this is not a stereotype made by me. this is an observation, yes, but i have-once again-done my homework). women are also criticized for being career minded & planning children; whether it’s 1, 2, 3, or more. so, even now, it’s damned if you do & damned if you don’t. the signals are constantly mixed, but the bottom line is this…i have a choice! i…me! it is my body, my life, my child(ren)! really, should it be any more complex than that? the hubs & i are more than capable of figuring out what is best for our household…that’s it! & no, there is nothing wrong with my ovaries. i choose to have one child! perhaps, instead of suggesting that i “put an aspirin between my legs” tonight mr friess, en lieu of using birth control, (because i am so sex driven & have no clue what’s going on with the rest of the world!) let me give you a pill of your own to swallow…will this ease my mind about possible polyps that may form around my cervix? or maybe it will help the uncomfortable feeling after a mammogram, as i wait for the results (having a familial history of cancer)? or knowing that stupid “birth control” could decrease my risk of other (multiple) cancers, debilitating health problems, or general road rage? i would like to know your initial take on that. nevermind, i don’t. when you grow a uterus, maybe we can have that chat! i’ll bring my bottle of bayer.

2.  prop 8…really? where did you come from? what individual was so insecure that…ugh, this has grated on my nerves & broken my heart for years now! i know, the bible, blah blah blah…well, i was raised in a very christian oriented methodist home where we celebrated people, love, & “made a joyful noise!” there was no doom & gloom when it came to the bible or service on sundays. oh, & i have read it (the b-i-b-l-e), both as a child & a literary student. i know the text. i have never felt that two human beings that felt love in their heart for one another was a sin…period. in my adult life, it has become even more apparent that “love,” in general, is a rare & sacred thing. the hubs & i have been married for 12 years (together for 17). in that time, we have “straight” friends who have met, married, & divorced. sanctity of what? family values who? not dogging on these couples/friends in any way; things happen, people grow apart, situations are unresolvable…it happens, sure…i'm making my point on “human” behavior. but, the total of (personally) couples we know is 7 (like we’ve been to/been in their weddings). meanwhile, over where the “cool sinners” hang out…i have super awesome friends who have been with the same partner for hubs & my span & then some. so, why are they unable to shout to the world “i do!” have the same benefits (health, etc) as i have. that security that if someone is hurt or sick, they can go right in the hospital icu because they’re the spouse? family? so, “prop 8  got glittered bombed” last week per kathy griffin (love her!), but we are far from done. & yes, i say “we!” i am a friend, an advocate, & an excellent poster maker!! my friends are my friends…end of story! please refrain from acting as if my friends are second class citizens. stop teaching hate in a world that needs kindness more than ever!

3. i remember when politicians (in a primary, electoral, what have you) did not use religion as a platform to show how they were fit to govern this great nation. maybe i was spoiled. my very first oober political involvement came about when it was clinton/gore ’92. (“happy days are here again…”) sorry, where was i? oh, yea, candidates were still decent guys. sure, there were heated debates, but the absolute mud-slinging came years later. i just remember hearing why a certain person was good for the job, & not why someone else wasn’t. was this all a dream?  maybe the fascination with tabloids & feeling like a rock star meshed badly with a “holier than thou” attitude, came into play (can’t have both, guys). the candidates now are a mix between a really awkward grecian hair for men commercial & a what would jesus do mentality. i’m no theologian, (& do not ever profess to be) but here’s my take on jesus (no puns included): the prophet that i have read about loved all men, women, children; made friends with debtors, prostitutes, & lowly/banished folk. he associated with lepers (dangerously contagious people…could you imagine, candidates?), taught people skills (unemployed, even…yikes). i could go on, but you get my point?! let’s say what we mean & mean what we say. i’m not even a religious person (organized, rather), but even i don’t rearrange common practices &/or beliefs to read the way i need them to on certain days, in certain situations. it makes me sigh…hard!

4.  a “lunch police” article really put me over today, as i pack a lunch daily for my monkey. to get the gist, you’d have the read the full article. i’m afraid that i’d tend to make like ‘mad libs’ & be ridiculously off track. not really, but i was beyond pissed reading this as i am possibly an overboard parent when it comes to the food groups…for reals, folks.
oh, please, please, please say that i have something not nutritional & unfit for my child. i dare you! c’mon now, do it. you’ve got to be out of your ever loving mind!

am i done? yes, for now. i’m finally cooled down & i thank you. even if we agree to disagree, that is perfectly fine. everyone has a voice. that being said, my opinion is not the only way, but i am very passionate about my life, my loves, my environment. i still hope for a world where my child can grow & not deal with this bullshit! (but, he will, i’m sure...i’m ready…deep breath.) i will continue to guide him in a way that accepts all walks of life. i am ready to diplomatically explain differences & values & whatever rolls my way. in the in-between, i am still doing my homework! knowledge is power…duh.

i do hope to get back to the days on which this country was founded on, “life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness” for all…i understand that correctly, right?! to not be persecuted for the way i run my life, home; keep my personal & religious convictions to myself, if i choose so. to one day, be able to see people be happy for people; let them choose their happiness. we all come from different places & have a point of view of our own. that hatred really does lead to bad stuff, but that educating oneself can alleviate it, leading to tolerance & understanding. is that too liberal…tree hugger…mother nature for you? too freaking bad!

**title thanks to the awesome david bowie tune...seemed appropriate. i'll be singing this song for days**


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