Saturday, September 29, 2012

fall is...


local festivals

cool brisk coffee, cardigan, & an outdoor rocking chair
planting fall veggies

pumpkin picking

skeletons & skulls & all things "wicked"

choosing the right costumes for halloween

trick or treat

hot chocolate

the urge to make every soup, stew, crock pot chili...

warm desserts that melt in your mouth

daylight savings

leg warmers & scarves

fair food

warm fuzzies


donating coats & clothes & food; buying toys for little boys & girls that we don't necessarily know

being thankful

ginormous sweaters


oyster roasts

scary movies

drives in the country

the leaves changing, falling...

reflections on the passing year

my absolute favorite time ever!

Friday, September 28, 2012

why is it that...

if my hair & makeup cooperate at the same time, there are no photo opps, or even people around. but if on a random tuesday (looking heinous), i’m at the freaking walmart, then i’ll see you…& you…oh, & you (what’s it been? 20 years now…fabulous!)?
i torture myself with the food network in the wee hours of the morning when i can’t sleep?

my heart beats all crazy & i have the urge to vomit every day before school, but once i’m there, things are fine? (does this ever go away?)
the housekeeping isn’t any better around my house. easily distacted? (yes.) but, if someone were to call & say that they’d be here in half an hour…my hieny would be in gear & this place would be spotless?

some people still use religion as a platform to be hateful, harmful, & hurtful?
i can’t tell a lie…or, well? i suck at it. it is both a blessing & a curse (not exactly my first choice for a superhero power)

at bedtime, the sink is clean, but in the morning, it’s full of dishes?
i’ve never learned how to play the harmonica?

i take my own bags to the grocery store, only to have them filled halfway & 20 bazillion plastic bags make their way into my cart? (with one or two items per bag, mind you. i’ve stood there before, rebagged my shiz & sweetly handed the bags back to them…yes, i did.)
i constantly fuss at the dog for barking relentlessly at everything (air, squirrels, poor kids walking down the street), but worry when he’s too quiet for an extended amount of time?

‘the real housewives of’ whatever totally captivate me? & of course, anything on bravo (super dork moment) except miami…not a fan of that cast for some reason.
we finally have maternity coverage again on our health insurance plan & the monkey is almost 8 & i am almost…well, that doesn’t matter…(aye!)?

all i really wanna do these days is find the time (quiet, that is) to curl up with a juicy new book? (i took for granted all those times i could & did in the past…i miss it.)
i am so tough on myself; to be the best mother, wife, student; a skinny person? at the end of the day, who’s really taking score but me anyways?

harvesting fall vegetables are my newest goal? nothing really grows in my backyard, but i am hell bent for some reason.
my surroundings are starting to show signs of skeletons, skulls, & “poison?” oh yea, halloween…which is the best. (maybe i’ll just keep some of these fun things up year round.)

during the day, i can go hours without eating, but late at night i crave yums that i shouldn’t indulge in?
certain shows or pictures or advertisements remind me how much i miss my antiques shoppe?

a song can take you right back to a particular place in time?
i want to write a million things down when i should be going to bed?

it makes it easier to get through a nerve-racking ordeal when you know someone, personally, that has gotten through the same (or equal to) & seemed to somehow survive & move on?
i haven’t jumped out of a plane yet? definite bucket list material.

when my hair was straight, i longed for some waves & now that it’s wavy, i wish it were straight?
there hasn’t been a decent scary movie to come out in forever? (i need some like, old school, scared to use the bathroom by yourself kind of horror. does that exist anymore?)

ghosts have never scared me? maybe because i’ve seen them…my mom has seen them. i’ve never felt anything but a little sad.

good guys finish last &/or die young? i never have figured that one out.

i don’t have a tiara? i think i need one.

everyone likes to hear the words “you’re my first” until it’s followed by the word “haircut?”







Sunday, September 23, 2012

top secret cheese...

ever had one of those days when you are sick of looking in the fridge to leftovers that were never eaten, dishes that you’ve been searching for hiding in the back corners; only to realize that the wall décor & surrounding island & cookbook shelf is covered in about a thousand dust bunnies? that was me today. i cranked that music up & must’ve scrubbed for hours. but, that’s not what prompted this post. (even though, i just told the world what a slob i am, didn’t i?)

no, this is about something near & dear to my heart…pimiento cheese. not just any, the hubs’ grandmother’s pimiento cheese. it was the freaking best ever ever ever! i used to look forward to his family’s christmas get together every year because i knew she would be handing out a little jar of this homemade goodness to everyone (it doesn’t take much for me to get excited, obviously.) i wish i had thought to ask her for the recipe while she was still with us; guessing at the time it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.

about a year after she passed away (2007ish), i asked the next reliable source about the recipe to this goodness, the mother-in-law. naturally, i didn’t see the harm in the request. what would follow next was an “um…i’ll make you some.” & then a quick change of subject. this happens every single time that i’ve mentioned it. what the hell? you’d think i was seeking out the deepest of family secrets, treasures, or trying to suck my way up the living will ladder. it’s not like i’m a newbie to this clan; i’ve put in my time…18 years worth. & i did refer to miss helen as grandma, too. i adored her; she claimed me. why can’t i know the recipe?

which brings me to today. after the refrigerator was stripped & hosed down, it was sadly bare. i made a shopping list & immediately decided that on this day, i would attempt to recreate the great, coveted cheesey spread. i had ruled out sharp shredded cheddar cheese; it had to be velveeta for sure (oober creaminess factor) also, pimientos…duh. i had remembered a conversation with one of the aunts (by marriage...she's an outsider like me) over this mystery. we had decided that there was just a touch of mayo.

once i got home from the store & made some dinner, i got to work. listen, there is no straight forward recipe for this southern cheese classic that seemed to resemble the one i vied for. after a few keyword searches & palette memories, here’s what i came up with.

1.5 lbs of velvetta cheese (or ¾ of the 32 oz block)

4 oz of pimientos

2 tbsp mayonnaise

1 tbsp white vinegar

¼ cup of sugar

i grated the cheese…holy softest cheese ever, batman! but, i figured this would be the easiest way to mix it with the other ingredients & get that super creamy result. (not a fan of the mealy texture that regular shredded sharp cheddar creates). i (with my handy hubs measurement converter) figured that each ounce = 2 tbsp. this was handy info seeing as how i had grabbed a 7 oz jar of pimientos at the grosh. mayo, vinegar, & sugar with the mixture, only i used half the sugar in mine (about 2 tbsp) & thank goodness that i did. it was a tad bit sweet for my taste. i even went back at the end & added half a tbsp. of mayo to cut the sweetness. mix, mix, mix, & an upper body workout later…voila!
granted, it’s still not “grandma’s,” but it’s pretty dang yummy & at least i have something to experiment upon until it taste like hers did. can’t wait to perfect it & then, well…guess who might just be passing out little jars this christmas?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

mother of the year?...

not looking for the nomination any time in the future. not trying to be (really)…that would require too much uptight preparation & not enough spontaneous learning experiences. but, i do believe that women are constantly under scrutiny for how well, or the opposite, the children of this decade are being raised.
i try really hard to do what is best for my child & our little family, but my home, & how we choose to do things, is never going to be like anyone else’s…ever. there is no handbook for this, only lots of common sense, finger crossing, & thanks to the universe for each new sunrise & sunset.
i would never attempt to criticize or judge another mother; if the child is healthy, happy, & so on, then who am i? who is anyone?

i am not ashamed one bit by how things operate around my own house. hey, i’m still learning…every day! thought i might share some of my foibles, small victories, & fun discoveries. agree or disagree; i could care less. (but i have a hunch that maybe i’m not the only one who feels that i should jump on someone else because they are doing things “wrong?” this is just craziness to me.)

i did…breastfeed. i wanted to really badly; to try at least. i almost didn’t get through the first two weeks. it’s not that damn “natural,” there wasn’t support oozes at the seams, & i felt more of an inconvenience (at times) to other people than to myself. i nursed for over a year. i am very proud of myself for that.
i don’t…ostracize new moms who choose not to breastfeed or physically can’t do it. it’s not for everyone…it just isn’t.
i didn’t…cut my child’s hair for years. yes, it was my personal choice. yes, my child is a boy (people were quite concerned with this for some annoying reason) i adored it! & only after much irritating comments & rather backhanded compliments, & a preschool teacher (who is family) took the liberty of transforming long hair into a more mulleted style (i about freaking died!), the hubs took monkey for his first short haircut.
i did…let the opinions & projected ideas of others affect an innocent little thing like a haircut influence me. the fact that my child can make his own choice about his hair (because, why not? it’s his hair) & likes to keep it short is perfectly fine. it is definitely not because i am mindful if others like it or not.
i don’t…(purposely) include my child in on adult topics or situations or television shows, but they are little sponges & hear things, etc. the way that i know that it’s cool is that my child will excuse himself or bring it to my attention that perhaps he shouldn’t be listening or watching certain things unfold….at 7! go figure.
i do…answer questions in an adult/kid friendly manner. i’ll never give a because “god” made it like that or a condescending explanation because i might not know the facts. i will research or invite him to google with me to find out why the sky is blue or why our area is more prone to hurricanes versus tornados or what is the true difference between reptiles & amphibians (real questions & i have to say, i learned some stuff).
i don’t…deprive my child of meat just because i don’t eat it. he likes chicken nuggets & bologna & the occasional hot dog at grammy’s. that’s it! i have tried different things with him…he prefers the veggie alternatives. wait, he did try country fried steak & says he loves it & will feast on a sloppy joe. he will not touch pepperoni pizza or hamburgers or any normal meaty kid-like thing. not my taste or suggestions…him, all him. but, dang that’s a good bit of meat when i type it all out…so why the hell do i get so much crap about his diet? (grrrr)
i do…hide veggies in food. where i can; pureed, disguised, made into fun shapes…sue me. i refuse (still) to fight at the dinner table. & you know what? if there is something that is adamantly not liked, i will not make it again. i figure one day, he will eat me out of house & home no matter what is being served!
i do…let my child play video games. lots of video games. he wakes up in the morning, eats breakfast, & plays his 3ds on the way to school. he has probably ever game console out there, or close to. but this is a him & his dad thing. they play together…they spend time together (at home…we do go outside) & i don’t have a problem with it. i can furnish these toys, so i will. i think that it’s not only heightened his problem solving & quick thinking skills, but has also encouraged a very avid imagination & passion for drawing.
i don’t…take my child to church. we do not have a firm stand in organized religion, so why would i? does he know the words to ‘jesus loves me?’ of course. if he is invited to a sleepover when he is of age & asks to attend sunday school, i have no problem with that. it’s taken me many years of deciding for myself where i stood in this massive world (still searching, actually). i would never deny him of that option.
i do…give in to wild or exotic animals as pets. c’mon, what kid doesn’t want a pet? or wants to bring something home? even if it is sometimes creepy, crawly, or slimy? i see it as positive development, teaching responsibility, & being compassionate towards another living thing. (even if that tarantula haunts mommy’s dreams)
i do…teach my child that everyone is different for a reason; that people are different shapes & sizes & colors, but all have special gifts to share; different cultures are awesome, & that if we were all the same that it would just be super boring!
i don’t…never ever ever use any type of racial, sexist, or flat out mean-spirited slur. i am guilty of calling crazy drivers morons, & may use the occasional expletive (which i get called on immediately), but to openly show disgust or hatred for someone that i may or may not know because they’re not me? not in my heart…& hopefully, by example, not in his either.
i do…feel guilty about leaving my child four nights a week to go to school. it makes me feel a little selfish, but then i remember that if i’m a better person for me, then i can be a better person for him. & even though i get to make sure half of his homework is done before i drop him off at his gram’s, it’s more than maybe some folks can accomplish working multiple jobs or not getting to spend time with their kids at all.
i do…encourage music every day, in everything & everywhere. all types. it’s no secret that it has saved my soul more than once & thankfully the love is shared a la hubs & passed down to the monk…genetics? other than a meteorologist, my child might just be a break dancer…he’s been practicing. i’ll be a proud momma no matter what.
i don’t…spank my child. i don’t. i’ve never had a reason to. my emotions have never ran that gamut where i felt the need to…how do you say? “take him over my knee?” it’s been, in fact, so long since i’ve had to enforce even a “time out,” that i don’t even remember the last time. 
i do…believe in hugs & kisses & laughter & surprises & fun & discipline (when needed) & respect (on both sides) & schoolwork & being involved & checking to make sure that the monkey is breathing before i go to bed (every single night!)
so, yea…probably not a candidate for mother of the year, but i am happy with mine & the hub’s (we’re a strong team) decisions. & even though someone may see my parental methods as “new age” (i’ve been told this) or too relaxed or “just you wait!’…that’s okay. i never said i was the perfect, go-to for awesome kids, mom. can’t pretend to be & won’t! just going to take it day by day. i continue to thank my lucky stars & dream of raising a decent human being. what normal parent wouldn’t?    



Wednesday, September 12, 2012


i had read that chickens or outdoor animals could generate other wildlings that might not particularly be invited to the party. with fowl, i was amped (& keeping my eye out) for birds of prey, snakes, or maybe even foxes (although i’ve heard some crazy howls late at night…coyotes?) nevertheless, i was a bit unprepared for the chewed food bag & obvious fecal matter that littered the (closed…only to people, obviously) shoppe in the back yard a month or two back. rats? vermin?

i am a hapless organizer, so the chicken yum yum bag that was sealed, for sake of flys/insects, was left vulnerable to chewers. i never thought about that! after the first week of seeing the evidence, the hubs went out & grabbed a huge “rubbermaid” type container to house the feed. whew. that’s over. um, not so much.
those crafty buggers. but what were they? surely ginormous rats on a mission to terrorize our shoppe (our lives!), chew all whatevers available; leave their track, but never to be found. i’m not gonna lie. i was…intrigued. “my, but what big teeth you have!” except that i was a little scared each morning as i went to lift the lid & scoop when i fed the girls.

the hubs said trap. & i about died. “no, you can’t kill it!” rolling his eyes at my tree hugging self, he explained, a trap…they apparently make live traps…as in no harm to the animal. i don’t know these things. geesh, i wasn’t born in that catch it or eat it or mount it mentality! anyhoo, i agree to the setting of said “traps.” (he’s cute about it actually, he likes to pretend that i’m the bleeding heart, but he doesn’t really want to hurt a living thing either…unless it’s a zombie, of course! which wouldn't be living, i much to learn. & moving on...)
so, these contraptions are set…first with my veggie, soy protein tofurkey. not a single nibble…hmph, well, i like it. & then with cheese. mice/rats like cheese, right? a whole week goes by. nothing. they are laughing at us all the while leaving special droppings everywhere. plus, we are still not exactly sure what we’re dealing with. until one night, the hubs yells out, “come here, quick...they’re cute as hell!” oh my goodness, we actually catch the scurry of teeny feet…3 mousekins?…adorable. i am smiling so big that i forget that these guys have been causing such melee. yet, an issue because they are still running amuck. mind you, the cheese is gone…door, still open. & now they are finding their way into the potting soil & lawnmower bag…nesting?
i see you, you little misfit!
fast forward to this week, when 3 itty bitties are finally caught by way of bologna. bologna! after weeks, we decide to play this random meat (of which the monkey loves) in the trap, just because. hours later…bam…a 3 for one!  wow. i am…wow. whatever works, right?! so, what to do, what to do? let’s keep ‘em! i know, they’re a small colony of what’s out there (the hubs swears he hears more), but we have a humongous aquarium home to keep meeses…no, scout, you cannot have them! & i could never kill an animal, but i can give them a very good home & lots of noms & veggies that they don’t have to scavage for. am i wrong? so, what do i do? release them in the back yard & have the same issue? bop ‘em on the head? (no way!)

no. my purpose as a momma remains as i too, (apparently) raise small, hyper, wild, jumping rodents. anybody want a mouse? (far better pet than an evil hamster…just saying, from experience!)
oh, & the karma police have got to reward me with some bunnies now, dagnabbit!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

cluck chat...

i recently got a suggestion for a topic to impress my opinion & experiences on. & since i am at home with a sick monkey & had a quiet moment i thought i would oblige.

a friend of mine has added some new backyard friends to her family…chickens! of course, i was very excited for her as i am smitten by my own & feel that they are just great overall pets (provided that one is allowed to keep them in their area)

with an adorable coop in place, a sturdy fence put up for “free ranging,” & much anticipation, my friend & her family now possess 3 hens; 2 adults & 1 juvenile.

her questions were as follows:

have you ever clipped wings?

on parrots, yes. on chickens, no. i assumed that there was beaucoups of info online, or video tutorials that explained/showed the how-tos of wing maintenance & i was right. (google is my bf) most sites recommend not clipping the wings unless it becomes a health risk to the bird or a nuisance to neighboring yards, gardens, etc. if the wings (or flight feathers) must be clipped, it is best to wait until they are in fact, flying pretty good heights &/or distances. chickens will naturally flutter around & stretch their wings off of the ground, not really going anywhere; this is just another indication of healthy development. & there are plenty of video blogs/tutes available to show proper handling & clipping of well fledged flight wings.

what are some fun things to feed them?

my girls are excellent eaters & will peck at absolutely anything to see if it’s edible (roots, boots, painted fingernails). they are possibly the closest animal that i will ever have to a goat; well, besides the beagle dog that eats rocks & rearranges the fire pit on the daily. some of their most favorite treats though are tomatoes, cucumbers, blueberries, & strawberries. they seem to like bell peppers okay, also. i thought that they would adore bananas, but they were like “meh”…the same with apples. (oh, they ate them, just weren’t particularly excited by the new fruits) the regular all time staple for the girls…meal worms! dried or alive, they are a huge hit & all 6 of them go bonkers for them.

are there any tips that i’ve learned?

reading books & researching topics via the interwebs can only prepare you so far…everything else is trial & error, what works best for your family, space, etc., & personal experience (although some research is definitely key to readying yourself for new adventures, i think) since i got my girls as chicks, i did a ton of research; structures of coops, square feet per bird for enough space, & general needs. but even with a little knowledge behind me, i am still discovering things. fun things, things to add or subtract, needs & not really big deals. make sense? every day brings a new cool fun fact about backyard chicken rearing! (did i mention how terrified i got when the summer weather here in the south was ranging 106-112 degrees…omg, scary time!)

any recipes?

with the eggs…not the chickens! sadly, since the first egg was found a few weeks back, i have not been very creative with them or taken any time to experiment with new concoctions. truth is, i have been more overwhelmed with the quantity (averaging 4-6 a day with only half the flock laying at this point) & have given lots away. the rest have been scrambled, omeletted, or fried; & i did learn how to poach. i definitely plan on using them more resourcefully in the near future. maybe like a frittata or something (never made one of those before. i will keep you guys posted.)

so am i an expert? nope. not on chickens, birds, or even backyard animals…probably never will be, but we are having a lot of fun in the process. i look forward to many years with my girls & love sharing the experience with the monkey; loving all creatures, taking care of living things, & knowing where some of our food comes from.

ps…remember when i said i wanted some bunnies? well, we got a corn snake instead…oh well, it happens. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

& as for today...

i hate the new ‘hardees’ commercial. i’m not a prude, oober conservative woman at all, but i find it utterly disgusting!

oprah’s ‘lifeclass’ is amazing…i’m a follower.

popsicle & laffy taffy jokes are both corny & hilarious.

i’ve never thought that the world was flat.

i think “reparative therapy” is just bullshit!

our freaking neighbor’s yard is atrocious…definitely stands out from the rest of the well-manicured lawns. (annoying)

i miss my monkey when he’s gone.

roadside finds are the best. i love upcycling another man’s “trash.”

 “crying never killed no body!”

 3 day weekends always spoil me & go way too fast!

this week is going to require new hair.

i really want a new pet…i’m thinking bunnies, but i am having trouble getting the boys on board.

it’s almost officially fall…hooray!

i’m in the mood for a good scary movie.

my new diy project is going to be fabulous…fingers crossed.