Wednesday, October 26, 2011

just sayin'...

·         places i would love to see a Picasso…a museum…a mansion, but never in a plastic surgeon’s waiting room.

·         why does it seem that the most stubborn, hard to please people agree to do home/fashion makeover shows?

·         getting gas is like the worst chore ever.

·         my cat needs prozac & the dog barks at whatever; people, squirrels, air.

·         for a family of only 3 (1 of whom is only 6), we have more dirty dishes, laundry, & trash than we should…it blows my mind!

·         i think scary movies are much creepier in the afternoon…seriously.

·         why do i open the fridge & check the cabinets knowing that there’s no new snacks in there since the last time i checked?

·         if you’re gonna go on a show like ‘steve wilkos’ & take a lie detector test, chances are, things aren’t going to turn out like you’d hoped.

·         i could have sworn that wrinkle wasn't there yesterday! (apparently i frown a lot? bah.)

·         i have turned the whole “one step forward, two steps back” concept into a dance…shall we cha cha?

·         pretty sure i have reverse anorexia (as my sis would say) i actually think i look good until the pictures come back.

·         i love halloween.

·         i wish i had a sheet of bubble wrap to keep in my purse for stress relief emergencies.

·         chewing gum & walking at the same time really does trip me up. plus, i bite the crap out of my lip…every time.

·         really want a super awesome catch phrase like “shazam!” or “dy-no-mite” or “oh aye, aye oh”…i’m still working on it.

·         i will accept the fact that the dryer is NOT shrinking my clothes, but for the love of jeebus, the hubs should know the whole NO RED ANYTHING in a load of whites rule by now!

·         planning for an out of town adventure shouldn’t have my anxiety levels off the charts.

·         ever go into work thinking you look good; good hair, make-up…only to have someone ask if you’re feeling well? (to which i wanna say, “suck it!”)

·          i think sassy is an art form. it’s all in the delivery…if you screw that up, you’re just a mega bitch…just sayin’!

tradition is...

the perfect fall day came this past weekend & at just the right moment. this, of course, could mean only one thing...pumpkin patch time!

now, the hubs & i never had "family" tradition things growing up. i mean, we got together for major holidays; my family would drive to the affluent neighborhood to look at christmas lights, but that's about it. when monkey was born though, we decided to embark on special memory maker type activities. enter harmon's farm...located out in lexington, sc, this "farm" is complete with pumpkins for halloween & christmas trees for, well, christmas. we look so forward to these trips. always guaranteed fun, fun, fun.

there are some animals, although the goat population seemed much smaller this year. there's old tractors & farm equipment. funny/cutesy signs everywhere. & even a playground!

we have to take part in each & every thing they have to offer...naturally.

7 years so's just something we do & plan on doing from here on. 

how tall this fall? over 4 feet! wowzers!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

an af-fair to remember...

the hubs & i celebrated our 12 year anniversary this weekend. he still likes me, i still like him...we got a good thing going! 
a sweet exchange of cards & sentiments (i got new earrings!) followed by fine dining on saturday night. this place was amazing...*solstice kitchen & wine bar in columbia, sc, if you're in the neighborhood* oh my gracious, i'm still daydreaming about the krispy kreme bread pudding dessert...nom nom nom.

but the celebration doesn't stop there. because at the end of the day, the beautiful wedding that we planned back then as two is nothing compared to the wonderful marriage & family of three that we've become. & when we put our noggins together to achieve maximum sunday fun, it is always a family affair.

let the games begin...

   the ginormous slice of cheese pizza is a momma/monkey staple!
have to see all the animals...of course! we love those guys...

get 'em guys, get 'em...ahh, better luck next time!

because what's more american than corn dogs that are 80 feet long? ok, so maybe not that many feet...ha!
see you next year, state fair...we had a blast! thanks for helping us celebrate & for being yet another reason why we enjoy fall oh so much!

Monday, October 17, 2011

long time coming...

some know, but most of you don’t know that i am the “baby” of three siblings. an older sister & an older brother, who is predeceased. i have been meaning to write about him for a while now, but it’s always very hard to process everything that i would want to say. you will still not know him by the end of this, but maybe you will get an idea of my love for him. fingers crossed.

what prompted this, you ask. maybe it’s the constant reminders i get through headlines of hate crimes, anti-gay whatever, or a country that continues to deny human equality. maybe it’s because i just made it through another september…where it starts out weirdly sad, my balance is off (more than usual), or i have that feeling where i’ve forgotten something; did i turn the stove off, leave the back door open, leave the curlers plugged in? nope, september is always my empty feeling month, then i remember why. 13 years ago this particular month, my brother, charles left this world. he left. & i didn’t see him in the hospital…in his eleventh hour. i could not. i’m glad that i could not. it is the best decision that i’ve ever made. i knew i would only remember a sick man lying in a hospital bed, clinging for his life, losing his battle. (i would remember, later on, feeling the sigh of relief when i turned 28...even though, i know that sounds strange.) 

no, i chose to remember the vital, quirky, “best of the best, please,” older brother. a black sheep…pretty outspoken…one of the good guys.

charles was my mother’s son from another marriage. her first. young & willing to leave her small town only to end up in another; where then, new husband decided to change his marital status. a teenage girl, in a strange town was now a new mother & divorcee. sounds like a freaking lifetime movie, huh? and the solution to her woe…”kind” new in-laws who would help rear the grandchild until mom got on her feet. thing is, when she did, that plan was out the window. single mother without a child…just single.

he tried though, when he was old enough, to make contact with my mother. & he came to live with us as a late teenager…17?  (i was around 9, i guess) it didn’t last very long. & when he called her to tell her he was gay? she simply said “i know.” mothers know these things, maybe. or they just love, nonetheless. (that’s what i’m sticking with anyways...the almighty unconditional.)
the last time i saw him, he was living in charleston with a couple of roomies. no love interest. i think about that now & feel extremely sad. not sure why; guess because i would never have wanted him to feel alone, ya know?! the year 1998…he had a couple of strange sores on his arms. i didn’t think anything of it. i definitely didn’t think “lesions.” he had invited me down to visit him. we exchanged numbers. i would never make the trip. i was discouraged a bit, but i’m not gonna bust anyone’s chops over that. i was more than old enough  to drive at that point & had my own car…i could’ve been more decisive of my own whereabouts, etc. but i tried to do what i was told. the neat thing, though (& this has always resonated with me), is that the hubs is my only friend that ever met my big brother.

several months later, i would be engaged. the hubs & i would visit my sister in pennsylvania & celebrate. hubs ate the worm, by way of testosterone pressure…bleck! i do remember that. we would get back from that trip in august, but i would never get to tell my brother the news.

the doctor called my mother & said that charles wouldn’t make it through the night. she drove to charleston the next day anyway. she wouldn’t be there long (like, less than 30 minutes) before he passed. he waited for her in the end. he waited for his mom.

it absolutely sucks to lose anyone you love. but i draw strength from the person that my brother was & the person i envision that he would’ve been. he wasn’t that “gay man who died from AIDS,” to me & shouldn’t be to you. i found a voice through him. i have learned a lot about myself & the person that i want to be & the person that i want to raise my child to be. i don’t stand behind or put myself in front of folks that are different from me…i stand WITH them. i support equality for everyone. no one deserves to walk this earth with a stigma attached or have their epitaph read “i died a shameful death.” AIDS doesn’t pick you out of a crowd, it doesn’t discriminate, you don’t have to be a certain height to ride that ride!
& no matter what former administrations or religious radicals have stated, my brother did not die because of a “lifestyle.” a “lifestyle” is driving an SUV, living out of your means, or keeping up with the “joneses!”

& in the end, he is remembered on a daily…he is loved…& i’m proud to say that i had the opportunity to know him (what little bit), charles, my big brother!  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

things i have to do today...

i haven't got it together...i've never pretended to or eluded from this fact. at my my time; okay, so usually in the eleventh hour, but tada...i pull it off. done. on to my next feat.

this week is different...the control is not in my hands. & i wait. i've reached point a...check. now, i wait for point b (in order to get to point c.) & this drives me crazy...i've lost control. was i a master of it? no, but i called the shots. i made the mess & i cleaned it up or i've gone out on that limb, & sweet...i did it! this is when my faith is tested. (& i hate that.)

not my faith in others, but in myself. why are there so many speed bumps? am i doing what i'm supposed to be doing?

man, tests suck! i especially never liked multiple choice. made me doubt myself. much like now. i know the answer...don't i? yes, of course i do, because i have doubled checked over & over...or maybe i didn't.

& the seasons are changing...i can feel them; weather wise (snarfy, raspy), but also emotionally. bad timing?

you know, i could doubt myself all freaking day. (it's a habitual thing) or i can go for it...make it happen. i have a tendency to come up with crazy ideas, but i at least try them. if i say i'm going to do something, it's pretty much a sure thing. i am not a fan of talking...if you "talk" about it, it goes away, right?! but i the meantime...for someone else to give me the push forward or just the make-up test.

what happened to the days when all you had to do was show up? oh, yea, grown-up stuff. but i won't go back in time...keeping forward. onward or bust!

& yet, among my anxiety & the music that i cling to during my "moment" & the emotional suitcase that is packed to gill...i am reminded of a poem sent by a friend. someone who knows that i can mark off these to-do's lickety-split; someone who has faith in my craziness. & from my soul sister, a simple reminder. because at the end of the's the littlest of things that speak to me. the water's fine; my spirit is diving in...thanks JG!

the road
tony hoagland

down near the bottom of the crossed-out list of things you have to do today, between "green thread" and "broccoli," you find that you have penciled "sunlight." resting on the page, the word is beautiful. it touches you as if you had a friend and sunlight were a present he had sent from someplace distant as this morning—to cheer you up,
and to remind you that, among your duties, pleasure is a thing that also needs accomplishing.
do you remember? that time and light are kinds of love, and love is no less practical than a coffee grinder or a safe spare tire?
tomorrow you may be utterly without a clue, but today you get a telegram from the heart in exile, proclaiming that the kingdom still exists, the king and queen alive, still speaking to their children,

—to any one among them who can find the time to sit out in the sun and listen.