Saturday, December 17, 2011

the things i do for vanity...

i don't know what's gotten into me this week?! oh yea, i have a condition called bi-polarism (probably not the technical term, but it sounded good)...true story. it's not like super wonky crazy-i'm gonna hurt myself or someone else if i have a bad day-sort of, don't worry!! it's actually great when i'm on a manic "high" means that i get things done. & my passionate frenzies lean on the more creative side...with the help of holiday stress & a timeline, i frantically make impulse decisions & magic happens! i kid, but that's really how my brain functions. & besides, didn't every genius person in history have a mental condition of some form or another? i'm gonna stick with that excuse anyways.

okay, prologue aside, i have been up to another project. i actually decided, gathered materials, & completed it in the time 'silence of the lambs' played in the background on tv last night (love that movie). it started with a chair. which led to vinyl...yummy. & a shirt.
meet the shirt! it's a very leopard-y maternity sweater that was worn & loved by my sis, ames, when she was prego with my niece. it would be an understatement to say simply that the girl loves animal print. she's obsessed! when i found out that i was a gal in trouble (totally joking), this gem was bequeathed to yours truly. at first, i was like, "holy me-ow, batman!" but the beauty of this sweater is that it is the softest, most comfortable garment around!  & so i embraced it...don't judge me!

i've held on to it all these years, thinking that i might eventually take it in, make it into a little wrap dress or over-sized cardi. you know, something. i found it earlier in the week during the big closet clean out. it was on it's way to my hope chest full of material...

the canvas, if you will: i have a really neat vintage chair that i adore. i have a soft spot for chairs. i gravitate towards them. i've never figured that one out, but i always grab them (if they're in okay shape structure wise) at yard sales or the like. this particular one was with a group of 3. two of which i had redone a few years back & resold. i was hanging on to this guy for "hard times." i just thought the frame was too cool & because i was bound to need it eventually, yes?! i was right...i would & i do.
i smell an upcycle!

throw in some red vinyl (saved from a project past) & i've got my misfits in ready formation. add a hammer, staple gun, gerber tool, & electric drill, of course. POWER tools are awesome!! the new purpose of this chair is strictly for vanity! it's going in the guest bedroom to partner with an heirloom buffet & be the make-up, hair, pretty-fying area. "vanity, definitely my favorite sin." (name that movie) but seriously, i'm pretty excited to have my own space. did i mention how small the rooms & bathrooms were in this house & how much "stuff" i have? i am really pleased with the fruits of my labor...tomorrow, i bake 4 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange...hooray! oh, the chair...i almost forgot! easy & super quick to do. man, i love saving things from the big bad landfill if i can. viva la green!


JuJu said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, like!!!!

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