Thursday, June 7, 2012


i’m thinking this is why i can’t sleep at night. the thoughts, oh, the thoughts. is this normal?

regardless, here we go. things that i don’t get out in another fashion…

·        the tooth fairy has been fluttering her wings around these parts lately; 3 times in like, less than a month.

·        i could care less that i’m not oober skinny anymore, i just want to fit in my clothes. is that too much to ask?

·        people get a little too crazy with their emoticons.

·        do you ever get halfway through a ‘draw something’ picture & forget what the heck you were drawing?

·        over talk of zombie apocalypse! actually these idiots lately could be great poster children for that ‘above the influence’ campaign. i’m thinking something like “friends don’t let friends eat their friends. drugs are super dumb” or whatever…i’ll leave that to the marketing creatives.

·        armed with coffee & concealer just doesn’t cut it in the wee hours any longer. working on heavier artillery…stay tuned.

·        let’s face it, school is scary, but i still persevere. awesome or delusional…the jury’s still out.

·        is it a good thing that i’ve become such a great rain driver?

·        there aren’t many problems that i can’t solve without music. but i’m versatile…it may be loretta who speaks to me or tori…imogen today. perhaps iggy pop tomorrow?

·        i have the most boring hair in the land.

·        a channel that only shows golden girls & designing women…yes, please (this would make me a hermit, for sure)

·        in a perfect world, i would receive texts on how wonderful i am on a daily.

·        i’m going to bring back blue eyeliner & “farrah” feathered hair…you just watch.

·        dairy queen commercials at one o’clock in the morning should be illegal.

·        if i had lush, gorgeous grass in my backyard, i could possibly rule the world.

·        i have a confrontation with tammy whynest-whynot everyday…missy is trying to test me.

·        is it sad that i am intimidated by a chicken? (i try to stand my ground!)

·        i want to be on a bowling league…but only so i can have a rad shirt with my name on it.

·        daydreaming until i can get back to the beach.

·        i think my galoshes are so cool.

·        the voices in my head have been awfully quiet lately…okay, maybe just right now.

·        i am still trying out this whole meditation thing. (i need positive vibes…keep ‘em coming)

·        being jobless is making me feel sad. will i ever feel useful again?

·        baby fever is over (i’ve come to terms), but tattoo fever is making me feel super creative.

·        man, i have so much laundry to catch up on.

·        i still don’t get HD; i mean, kind of, i guess…sorry, i don’t see that much of a difference. guy thing?

·        there’s a huge, wooden board with my name on it waiting to be diy’d…if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, i’ll get to it. *fingers crossed*


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