Monday, June 18, 2012

no, i'm not drunk...

what is real? what is fake? social networks these days are bumming me out. & guess what? i really don’t need the sadness or distrust of the human race written in black & white to add to my own shit right now. harsh…i know. it just reminds me of the boy who cried wolf. we all have yucky days, it’s true. & i can totally relate to all that jazz; it just seems that the same folks are constantly screaming for help. but, what gets me most are the paper cut out (semi) perfect lives. are you serious? this makes me happy for you if it’s all sunshine & lollipops in your world (sincerely) or are those the ones who are dissatisfied the most? secret script among posts? you realize that i’m an analytical sonofagun, right? i’m confused, you guys. (keeping in mind always, that you absolutely “cannot believe everything that you read”…so true)

i adore seeing pics of babies & animals (i will always “like!”) i love accomplishments & good days & snarky remarks…i dig the clever & sarcastic (it is my personality). & i will quote song or text or unoriginal ideas (in quotation marks, people) as i am feeling a song or movie, etc. that’s just me. will i say that i’m not feeling up to par online? every now & then. will i say that i am sad? possibly. but, not all the time. whether i am experiencing these woes or not. (should i really share every single time? um, nope) i would hope that the people who know me best aren’t concerned when i post some random randomness about who knows what! (maybe they don’t know me…who’s to say)

oh, & i love the ones who “hate drama,” they are the very 1st to report on it. perhaps i forget how old i am or how old some of my “friends” are. you see, in an ordinary day, i speak to no one…not physically. on i am a profile picture with views or comments or simply an ‘eh’ on a newsfeed.

i so miss the memorized phone number or the note in the mail (snailmail) with no significant value other than a kind hello. alas, i am a slave to text. i am far too busy for a voice on voice phone call…i’m kidding, but not. how do i change this?
don’t get me wrong, i heart the internet. without it, i might’ve never gotten the chance to connect with real people that i know & love. i have discovered
lots of things, in fact. heck, this blog, is “online.” i just wish that some old school ways could emerge. & i am guilty…100%, as i live by the iphone & die by the iphone…big. sigh. isn’t that completely pathetic? (i swear, i use it for everything but what g. bell would’ve hoped for)

agh, what’dya do?  for now, i guess i want to continue my love of phone/laptop outreach with the hopes of getting part of my homegrown normalcy back. who knows, maybe i can help to jumpstart the handwritten word (been trying to get better at it for so long now), the ‘hey, how ya been’ phone call, or better…face to face interaction!

i’m definitely going to fine tune it…& maybe, just maybe, i can let some lovelies in my life know what’s going on first hand (instead of you all reading about it); if they’ll let me. so many things i need to get off of my chest. & you won’t have to read or guesstimate on socialscopedot…well, you know.

& i swear that i am not trying to be critical on what any one person feels they need to put out there at any one moment. trust me, i have vented some doozies myself…& i’m actually doing that right now. forgive me? agree? or not? you can totally let me know. (actually, i would love it if you did…just be nice…ha!)

*how far off of the gamut is this mess right here? whoa, make sense much, ash? (hence, miscellane-ash…ya ya)


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