Sunday, April 7, 2013

background check...

you know how when you're little, you could care less about family heritage, background, which grandpa came from wherever? the stories are cool at first, but then the mind wanders, eyes glaze over, etc. (at least, i remember not really being too terribly stoked on researching it on my own; i see the eyes roll on my own child at my personal excitement.) anyhoo, now is the time that i'm super interested. where do i come from?

i know that there is native american for sure, slavic descendants (discovered at ellis island on a NY trip), & scottish. i have always been intrigued by the mere thought of being the recipient of so many walks of life, culture,'s pretty amazing. & any chance i have to experience said culture; well, i'm there! especially, the scottish  aspect, partly because the more i look the more confused i seem to get. & while i may not be absolutely sure of my clan, i have my own trio to help out.

enter tartan day south here in SC yesterday & my humongous grin over the whole event. i think the monkey was scared that i would stick him in a "skirt," but i didn't (yet). i had intentions of wearing my own plaid, but upon last minute length check, decided that my skirt was a bit more catholic school girl...ha; & opted for a green summer dress instead.

the weather (spring finally?) was perfect. flags were flapping in the breeze, people were everywhere; my people! i spoke with several nice folks who were sad that we didn't share a surname, but was reassured that half of the clans weren't even represented. perhaps a trip to grandfather mountain in the summer will unlock some mysteries for me. in the meantime, i will plug away at the ole interwebs! 
(sights & sounds)
bagpipes! reminded me of my wedding :)
sheep herding, anyone?
strong men in kilts tossing logs!
sword fighting.


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