Friday, June 17, 2011

"survey said"...

so, i totally love knowing the ins & outs of people’s minds. what they like, don’t like, & varying views on certain topics; especially when i get to ask simple questions & then sit back & absorb the answers. & oh, of course, share them. information is knowledge, & knowledge can be liberating.

now, before you get your wheels spinning on political, analytical, or other worldly events that i may have new insights on…take a sec to chill & grab a glass of wine (or whatever) because it’s not that type of social experiment. think of it as a cosmo-esque q&a, or as one contributor put it “penthouse forum” of sorts…without the gross stuff, no offense mr. guccione…r.i.p.

in the past, i have turned to my lady friends for input when fashioning a solution to a problem or experience that i was having myself. (it helps to know you’re not alone.) but, this time, i was feeling a little curious (much like a teeny bopper or a single woman, which most know, i have been neither in quite some time) so i called on the guys to help me out! the question i posed was simple…what is “it?” what do you find attractive about the opposite sex?  *which affects me still in a sense. not from “other” guys, but because i don’t want to be so comfortable that i forget to pay attention to the things that attracted the hubs to me in the first place, right? right? anyway, i’m about to break it down, folks. from head to toe. enjoy.

hair:  yes, this was mentioned. most of the guys preferred shoulder length or longer. curls or wavy…some kind of bounce or body to it. short hair wasn’t particularly attractive, unless it had some sort of “edge” or style to it. no “mama” haircuts. *so that’s why my victoria’s secret catalog is still in the bathroom…it’s all about the hair! color was never brought up. i was kind of expecting the blond vs brunette vs red head issue to be resolved…hmm, i may never know.

face: eyes were a hit among a few fellas…what, with the  whole “windows to the soul” analogy. color, again, of no importance. & other characteristics that were admired were lips, cheekbones, jawline, neck, & “a smile that lights up a room.”

body:  now, when i started this questionnaire, i was certain it would revolve around a certain body part (which it did) but in my head, i was singing “i must, i must, i must increase my bust!” little did i know that the guys would be singing “i like big butts & i cannot lie!” oh, the booty. & hips, i can’t forget the hips. i believe i got visuals such as jlo & kim k…”rockin”…"sits nicely, not lays, on the leg"...”ass man”…i get it, guys! (& panty lines are 
boobs were not especially a turn on or off; size didn’t matter much. except in one case where boobs were referred to as “kryptonite!” (which is such guy terminology & i totally lol’d!)

extras (because it really is the whole package):  sense of humor!! being able to laugh, laugh at oneself, etc was a huge law in attraction among this group! a good cocktail of sassiness, healthy sarcasm, sweetness, & “smart ass.” (nice!) overall femininity; manicured, takes good care of herself, a nice fragrance (not “stripper vanilla”), etc. music lovers welcome & appreciated. (if you play the guitar, that’s even more awesome…true story.) creative. ethical. must loves kids. givers, not takers.

*recap:  do you have a nice smile, soulful eyes? do you love to laugh & enjoy life? do you have a nice ass? then, yay for you, lady! *did i mention “ass?” just kidding…it’s cool, we (gals) are checking out your (guys) ass-ets too!

wow, i learned a lot…seriously. the results were somewhat refreshing, but mostly hilarious. in fact, i’ll leave you with my favorite quote from all my responses:

“i likes my womens where i likes my news…on the INTERNET”...*rim shot*


JuJu said...

Did any of those guys mention finding big stomachs attractive? :-)

Very interesting! I would have thought the boobs ruled over the butts. That's what I get for thinking!

miscellane-ash said...

haha...the fact that actual "size" of said attraction wasn't brought up was a plus in my book. & yes, i was quite floored when i wasn't seeing big ole boobies repeatedly. :)

Larry Reid said...

Okay Ash,
maybe I didn't delve into the physical traits as much as I should so here goes:
When I first met the wife, her big boobies were the first thing that my eyes locked onto. That said, her smile, her eyes and her personality all combined to prompt me to ask her out (not to mention that I had made a bet with a classmate that I would get a date with her before he could.., I won a date and a Filet O Fish sandwich, fries and a shake).
Her hair was (and still is) thick and dark and also attracted me.
Other than the physical traits, I stand by my previous answer: we hit it off and continue to be together after 35 years because we liked each other long before we loved one another.

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