Wednesday, March 28, 2012


where did i come from? why am i here? nope, this isn’t the beginning of a ‘judy blume’ novel (or my version of)…are you there, mae west? it’s me, ash. but, it may give you insight to why you, dear reader, are, well, reading this. you see, i am a simple, off kilter kind of gal, who always has a lot to say, but keeps the majority of the inner voices down to a minimal “raise your hand, then speak” kind of momentum. ever wanna scream, but can’t? yea, me too. thus the beauty of said voice via script; diary of sorts. & in the tradition of all things “interwebs,” i started thinking; blog?

no, not a blog. that’s sorta vain or in your face, right?! & who the hell would read what i had to say…not for me, not doing it. but…i’ll check it out. that is to say, i do love reading them, myself. all sorts. maybe i’ll set one up. & a year goes by. nothing. (that was 2 years or more ago…so why last year? where did the courage come into play?)

one of my great inspirations comes in an awesome package of mom of three, excellent friend, who will make time for the craziest stuff, if you need her…no questions asked. she’s a regular girl, humble beginnings, sweet, & agenda driven…late, frazzled…normal lady. but to me, she’s got it all together. how? she laughs when i attempt to explain my admiration, but whatever. she’s amazing in my eyes & i am so thankful that a crazy job experience brought us together (business is no longer, but our alliance sure is) & not only did she encourage (& continues to), she helped to set me up; i may possibly be dumbfounded still by most of this jazz if not for her...seriously. plus,  we have the same name…yea, we do!
next, comes an excellent pal from younger years…he used to laugh at my jokes, i’d laugh at his…hey, that’s important in friendship. fast forward to 16 years later (post high school fun-ness) & (gawd love it) the mysterious powers of the internet…*insert ahhh’s here. he’s been one of my favorite folks from the moment i met him. after we touched base (& i fell in love with his blog), i asked some questions…like, okay, say i were to write something…would you read it? it probably helped that he’d remembered just how awkward & “off” i was to help him with that “yes, i would.” & he was serious. he, along with my friendgirl (mentioned above) were the very first two to follow & become miscellane-folk! i swear! plus, i’m still waiting on him to need me to be the polar opposite of his quintessential when he finds a quirky excuse to switch it up…haha!

others contributed to this soapbox, of course…the hubs, who is always the guy holding onto the kite string as i flap in the wind. my sister, who sends me at least 2 texts a week telling me how proud she is of me. did i mention that my ‘rents read the tales i spin? (i was a little nervous at first, but they know that i’ve always been more the black than the white sheep.) & you know, they actually like it. it’s weird. no one ever told me that i shouldn’t or couldn’t (which is usually my motivation) not to my face, anyways. actually, there are many people who’ve allowed my spirit to continue this journey. to be miscellaneash…to use my voice. & i look forward to, well…going forward. life is never a dull moment, really, & i will continue to document it, even if it is…keeping in mind, i’m bound to have my skirt fly over my head in front of 5 bazillion people or something to keep it interesting…right?!


lindler5 said...

and i'm so glad you put the proverbial pen to paper... or began the clackity-clack of the keyboard. love you, friendgirl!!

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