Monday, August 29, 2011

didn't we just do this room yesterday?

last week we started first grade! well, technically, monkey started, but it has been a total family experience around here. i bet you didn't know this, but there are many differences between kindergarten & 1st grade. so far we have tackled homework (on a daily basis), a more defined independent attitude (in a good way), & an actual "voluntary" wind down time between school & dinner, "because there are no naps in first grade, mom. i'm not gonna close my eyes though, i'm just gonna chill a sec."

& i'm excited about school starting back up. it's nice to get back into a routine & i look forward to all the things that he will be learning. (i learned a lot last year...seriously, i did. it's like i lived that poem 'all i really need to know i learned in kindergarten.' if you haven't read that in a while, it's a nice little revisit because it's so simple & true & necessary in adult life!)

so here we are...back in school...first grade. & the super sad part comes in. for mommy.

seeing as how we are no longer a baby/"little kid," it's time to create a space for monkey to call his own. he is spending more time in his room while playing & now homework, so the next step was inevitable. it's time to say bye-bye to the nursery...for ever!

7 years ago, my most favorite "nesting" duty came in 2 gallons & 7 quarts of paint, crib sheets, a lamp, window treatments, & a chest of drawers adorned with animal pulls all centered around one main muse. being a huge fan of John Lennon, it was only fitting that i was entirely inspired to create a nursery out of his 'musical parade.' (a carter's line based off of the drawings he did for sean (lennon) when he was a tot.)
i fell in love immediately, & thankfully the hubs did too because well, you do not argue with a pregnant lady. (i mean you could, but i don't recommend it!)
even the mobile played 'imagine' as the animals danced around. can you say awesome?

& the room that we put together, guys, was amazing. i was so proud of the work we had done. a couple of my girlfriends helped me paint the walls, 2 blue/2 green. & the hubs & i drew the animals on the wall & then painted. i can still remember this project like it was yesterday.

i think at the time that i really wanted something that the monkey would be able to "grow" with. i mean, after the years the crib turned into a toddler bed which turned into bunk beds. the lamp has been long gone up in the attic somewhere. the chest of drawers was painted & reporposed for use in the mud/craft room.
the only evidence left were the walls. my favorite part...gasp. they were painted over & the room has since become in the last few days...wait for it...a big boys room!!
all of our mario & sonic friends are there. his desk is homework ready, complete with a chalkboard area to draw. i'm still in pursuit of a bookshelf, but for the most part, it's good to go. oh, & i gotta grab some wood slat blinds for the windows...then, done.

& he is so excited, which is the best part. i had my day of planning & making the nursery that i wanted; it's only fair that he gets the cool room that he wanted! he does have to live there after all!

of course, i have to include more pics of the room making its transition...let me apologize in advance as i am not a photographer...i've never even played one on tv!

*monkey with the first long, mr giraffe!

*mario & luigi collect coins & mushrooms on one wall...chalkboard wall on the other. oh, & old cd jewel cases upcycle to house only the fiercest of sonic pics!

*let's not forget the poster/skateboard that the zero skateboard team signed! oh, dear lord, i stood in line for hours (in the freezing cold) for these treats. what a momma won't do for a smile & a sweet "thank you!"


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